You can honor your history and your contribution to our country's strength by making donations to the Legacy Fund directly. The Legacy Fund is established as an Endowment Fund and will last into perpetuity, with it's annual earnings contributing to the well being of the Charitable Foundation well into the future. If you have a larger amount to gift to the USSV Charitable Foundation, talk to the Fund Manager about a specifically designated fund.
Other ways to contribute through Planned Giving:
We treat bequeaths received into our Charitable Foundation as Endowment Funds and invest those funds. Then, earnings from those investments are distributed to the Charitable Foundation activity you wish to support. Your donation to the US Submarine Veterans Charitable Foundation will live on far into the future, generating regular annual donations to your selected fund.
We are the United States Submarine Veterans Charitable Foundation
PO Box 1063
Groton, CT 06349-1063
EIN 954830806
Many Wills are created by a Paralegal, based on templates readily available for that purpose. Each state has minor variations, but the primary requirement is in the bold text above. We recommend consulting with a Wills and Trust professional with assistance in creating your Will or Trust.
Other ways to contribute through Planned Giving:
- WILL OR CODICIL BEQUEST: A bequest in your will can be used to leave any of the above outright gifts to the USSVCF or to establish a planned contribution.
We treat bequeaths received into our Charitable Foundation as Endowment Funds and invest those funds. Then, earnings from those investments are distributed to the Charitable Foundation activity you wish to support. Your donation to the US Submarine Veterans Charitable Foundation will live on far into the future, generating regular annual donations to your selected fund.
We are the United States Submarine Veterans Charitable Foundation
PO Box 1063
Groton, CT 06349-1063
EIN 954830806
Many Wills are created by a Paralegal, based on templates readily available for that purpose. Each state has minor variations, but the primary requirement is in the bold text above. We recommend consulting with a Wills and Trust professional with assistance in creating your Will or Trust.
- CHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITY: It is possible to make a donation of cash or securities to establish a Charitable Gift Annuity to provide you or another individual with guaranteed, partially tax-free income for life.
- CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUST: A Charitable Remainder Trust provides an individual with income for either life or a term up to 20 years from the date the gift is made. When the trust terminates, the Charitable Foundation receives the trust's principal.
- CHARITABLE LEAD TRUST: A Charitable Lead Trust provides the Charitable Foundation with a steady income for a term of years or the life of an individual. When the trust terminates, the donor's designated heirs will receive the trust's appreciated principal.
- LIFE INSURANCE: There are several ways to use life insurance to make a donation to the Charitable Foundation. The USSVCF can be named as owner and beneficiary to an existing policy or a new policy can be established.
- RETIREMENT ASSETS: The combination of federal income, estate and excise taxes can seriously erode the value of retirement savings. Naming the US Submarine Veterans Charitable Foundation as a beneficiary of these assets can save your estate and heirs both income tax and federal estate taxes.
United States Submarine Service
YOU raised your hand and agreed to serve in this remarkable service for the United States of America. How important was that time spent by you to your life? We know how important it was and is to the United States, but how important was it to you - personally?
YOU raised your hand and agreed to serve in this remarkable service for the United States of America. How important was that time spent by you to your life? We know how important it was and is to the United States, but how important was it to you - personally?